

Associate Professor of 经济学; Director for the Center for Financial Literacy


+1 630 637 5248




Dr. Ryan 德克尔是个n Associate Professor of 经济学 and Finance and serves as the Founding Director of 中北书院's Center for Financial Literacy.

Dr. 德克尔是个 
注册理财规划师™. CFP® professionals must meet rigorous education, examination, experience, and ethical requirements. The CFP® is the premier certification within the wealth management industry. CFP® professionals have made a commitment to act as a fiduciary when providing financial advice to a client. Dr. Decker is eager to bring his CFP® education and experience into the classroom as he teaches the next generation of fiduciary wealth managers.

Dr. Decker is passionate about improving financial literacy at all levels of society. Dr. 德克尔是个n accomplished international public speaker, 在会议上发言, 高中, 大学, 盈利, and corporations as it pertains to financial education.

Dr. Decker is the Founder and Lead Educator at Wealthency, a provider of corporate financial education programs which aid in decreasing employee financial stress levels and increasing productivity and retention. Dr. Decker believes that every member of society should have an opportunity to be financially literate.

在教学之前,博士. 德克尔是一位经验丰富的律师普华永道(PwC)经理. Dr. Decker worked predominantly in the Financial Transactions Transfer Pricing practice, 总部设在芝加哥. Dr. Decker became a national expert on treasury-related transfer 定价 issues and assisted treasury and tax teams of multinational corporations in designing, 定价, 记录, and defending transactions including intercompany revolvers, 贷款, 现金池, 以及其他金融工具.

Aside from focusing on financial transactions, Dr. Decker worked with clients in the consumer products, 大型制造设备, 以及网络部门. Dr. Decker achieved considerable experience with intellectual property-related transfer 定价 issues as he assisted a large multinational client (global revenue approx. $80B) strategically negotiate a series of bilateral and unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements in the US, 和国外, related to intellectual property licensing transactions in the consumer products industry. Dr. Decker's real-world applications of accounting, 经济学, and finance help bridge the gap between classroom theory and actual international business incentives and operations.

Dr. Decker is a published author and is experienced in performing macro- and microeconomic research and analyses relating to a variety of issues including transfer 定价 adjustments in recessionary environments, 广告的经济使用寿命, 发牌安排内的奖励措施, 负利率, profit split methodologies encompassing multiple taxing jurisdictions, 现实的专业案例研究, and the importance of financial education.

作为一种爱好,Dr. Decker founded one of the nation's first sports betting information service companies. 在其鼎盛时期, the service was one of the largest sports betting information services that used math to find arbitrage opportunities, 正期望值投注, and middle opportunities and reported them to users via Discord in real time.

Dr. 德克尔是个 proud graduate of 中北书院, earned his Ph.D. in 经济学 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and completed his 波士顿大学CFP®课程.

Most importantly, Ryan is a loving husband and father of two. He resides in the western suburbs of Chicago, IL.



德克尔,R.达齐,R.海狸,R. (2022). Financial Literacy and Behaviors of Private College 本科s. Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 7(1), 18-42

德克尔,R., & 灰色,维. (2021). Transfer Pricing Case Study: Computing Devices, Inc. 公司间的贷款, 金融教育杂志

德克尔,R.钱德拉塞卡,K.罗斯塔诺先生. (2016年12月29日). Negative Interest Rates: A Transfer Pricing Perspective, 税务管理转让定价报告,卷. 25. http://www.pwc.com/gx/en/tax/transfer-pricing/assets/bloomberg-bna-transfer-pricing-report-negative-interest-rates-a-transfer-pricing-perspective%20.pdf

德克尔,R.达齐,R.,灰尘,A.和新泽西州的洛斯滕博. (2015年11月23日). Profit Splits Post-BEPS: Quantifying an MNE’s Intangibles, 国际税单,卷80:8. http://www.pwc.com/us/en/tax-services/publications/profit-splits-post-beps.html

德克尔,R.菲约尔,D.伊利克,我. (2016). Chapter 6: Resale Price Method (RPM) and Alternatives to Traditional Buy-Sell Distributors. 在威廉·H. 伯恩斯(ed), U实用指南.S. 转让定价,第三版, 律商联讯集团. http://store.lexisnexis.com/products/practical-guide-to-us-transfer-pricing-third-edition-skuusSku60720





ECON 320 Industrial Structure and Public Policy


FINA 370财富管理


MFIN 630 International Trade, Taxes and Transfer Pricing